Tag Archives: fath

The New Normal


The new schedule in our house is going to take some getting used to.  I have been getting up with Dan in the morning. I make his coffee. Get to have a short conversation and both of us take 10 to 20 minutes a day to read our Bible.  Dan goes off for the day and I am home for the next 12 hours with the kids.  We are so happy about the promotion but I miss having the time we use to have together.  It also is hard to prep the house for selling with two kids underfoot.  FYI Guin the two year old is not helpful when it comes to painting. Although she believes she is.

On top of getting a fresh coat of paint on a few of the rooms, my Ex has contacted me that he would like to have Abby for the weekend at the very last minute. So while I would like to spend time mowing the yard and working on the house, I will be driving to drop her off for the weekend. I will certainly miss her. I am also happy she will have time with her dad. She hasn’t seen him in a while. So this weekend, we will have a 2 year old trying to help me paint and do the yard work. We still need to finish the downstairs and prep the reclaimed wood for the floor.  It seems like it will take forever to get this place ready to list.

I really hope we have time this summer for fun.  I am hoping that we will be able to have family time together. I am also thinking that it may be nice to make some cookies or cake for his new employees.  Well here is what I know, God will provide.  I know that doors will open where necessary and that God will get us the right price and get the right new home for us. This weekend we are going to  a church in the community we plan to live in. This is clearly a season of change. We will make it through and will be stronger in the end!