Tag Archives: sick children

Permission to comfort


Yesterday and today, I have been faced with a clingy and sick two year old.  She has whatever virus that is going around and has a temperature and has thrown up some.  After traveling all weekend, I have piles of laundry and things to get put away.  I, however, have been cuddling and comforting my sweet two-year-old. she is whiny and just needs her mom. She wants to be held all of the time. 

I am giving myself permission to let the rest wait. I am giving myself permission to let my life become about her and her misery.  I am giving myself permission to comfort her. I am going to take this time and realize that pretty soon she won’t need me the way she does today. I am going to enjoy cuddling and even watching some Dora and Super Why!

I find that sometimes all the other pressures of the world won’t let us slow down when we need to.  I find that sometimes I am asking for silence when I should be stopping to listen.  I am so concerned about being perfect and doing it all right that I get it all wrong.  So next time your little one is sick, just stop and comfort them.  Enjoy the time and don’t worry about that laundry for today anyway.